
Pastor Josh and Danielle McNeal

Joshua McNeal was born and raised in Missoula before moving to Sheridan in January, 2015.  He graduated from Frontier School of the Bible in 2007 with a bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies and is now pursuing an MDiv from Gateway Seminary. He married Danielle Kelly of Mars Hill, Maine in July of 2008. They have four growing children. They are missionaries of the Rocky Mountain Bible Mission out of Missoula.

Danielle is the Deaconess of Missions

Neil and Gloria Barnosky

Jim and Linda Fordyce
             Elder Emeritus

Randy and Lauren Taylor
 Deacons of Family Ministry
      Youth Group Leaders

Dave and Steph Haag

Josh and Sarah Hanson
 Deacons of Fellowship

Lynn and Rosanne Hofland
Deacons of Care & Hospitality